AdSoft Technologies Pakistan
System Analyst : Aamir Durrani # 0300 8585911
Alternate Custo
mer Support : # 0333 9255911
ez911 - ez rescue we are always there when you need us

To avoid this type of error you need to have a UPS so the computer and its data is not 
affected when power goes off.

This procedure is for window 98 and in window XP it may not work, 
as window xp may delete corrupt files.

Make a backup of your current data with a different name than routine.

If you can not repair using the following procedure please call or you can 
restore from last backup (from backup before data was corrupted)

See the error which matches to your message and the visit the link in 
internet explorer for procedure to repair the damage file.

SNO.       ERROR MESSAGE                                   SEE LINK PROCEDURE
1.             Too many files open                      

2.             Can not load server                      

3.             File vou.dbf not found                  

4.             File sales.dbf not found                

5.             File stock.dbf not found                

6.             File person.dbf not found             

7.             File system.dbf not found             

8.             File fare.dbf not found                  

9.             File item.dbf not found                

10.             File control.dbf not found          

11.           File vh.dbf not found                   

12.           File sttran.dbf not found               

(incase of damaged sttran.dbf serial no of  
mobiles entered in sales or purchase etc will 
be lost permanently in record)

We do not accept any file / data recovery responsibility. Keeping in view that most of operators are
not competent enough, the above procedure is made to assist them.

If you fail to use Rs 500 shall be charged for visit at our convenient time. Or Rs 1000 for urgent 
support (subject to availability of support staff)