How to restore:-



1.  Go to my computer


2.  Dbl Click on  drive where software is installed (d drive or e drive etc)


3.  Dbl Click on ACT folder


4.  Dbl Click on erestore.exe (for normal windows) It can download from and saved to d:\act folder

     Dbl Click on restore-tza.exe (for windows 7 64 bit version) It can download from and saved to d:\act folder


5.  Click on combo/popup


6.  You will see list of backup files. Select the file which was backuped before this error occurred





a.  Error occurred at 4.00 pm yesterday

b.  You started the software on 2.00 pm yesterday

c.  In the restore list you can see there is backup of 2.00 pm of yesterday

d.  SELECT it and click on restore     

e.  It will ask for confirmation on a black screen press   A